Die Theaterkompanie Cie Achimowicz wurde von der polnischen Choreographin, Tänzerin und Stylistin Anna Achimowicz 2012 gegründet und erarbeitet internationale Produktionen in Polen, Deutschland, Frankreich, Kroatien und Schweden. (Earlier created and produced stage pieces since 2004 under the name Anna Achimowicz). Das hybride Kollektiv besteht aus Tänzer_innen, Visual Artists, Modedesigner_innen und Architekt_innen. Anna Achimowicz studierte am IDA Institut für Tanz der Anton Bruckner Universität in Linz und arbeitet seit 2007 mit österreichischen Künstlern zusammen, darunter Editta Braun Company, Marina Koraiman, Johannes Randolf, Rosalia Ortega Fernandez, Bettina Schaefer, Georg Blaschke und Milli Bitterly. (Phographers: Helmut Daucher, Manfred Kielnhofer, Hans Fleischner). Außerdem kollaborierte sie bereits mit den österreichischen und auslaenderen Visual Artists und Designern Franzthomaspeter, neutral communications Linz, Fred Bidigaire(USA), DDoubles(Polen) und km/a.
Für das Take – Festival for Independent Fashion and Arts erarbeitet Anna Achimowicz die dreiteilige Performance “Architecture du Corps” in Zusammenarbeit mit österreichischen Modedesigner_innen.
1. First degree of Separation (Auszug)
Choreographie: Johannes Randolf
Tanz: Anna Achimowicz
Mode: Mari Qua, Mark Baigent
Music: collage sampling Scanner, Mika Vaino, Optic
2. L’Architecture du Corps (Auszug)
Choreographie: Anna Achimowicz
Tanz: Aleksandra “Owca” Krajewska (video) Natalia “Sarna” Kladziwa, Anna “Marika” Achimowicz
Mode: Nora Rieser
Styling: Mari Qua
Music: collage sampling Traversable Wormhole, Atrium Carceri
3. La Danse du Hybride (Auszug)
Choreographie: Anna Achimowicz
Tanz: Magdalena Ciechowicz
Mode: km/a, Mari Qua
Styling: Mari Qua
Music: Mika Vaino, Scuba, Murcof, Lady Gaga
“Architecture du Corps” dance and fashion performance “Architecture du Corps” is a performance fusing the art of dance, fashion, architecture and anatomy resulting from the experience of the last 15 years of choreographic work of Anna Achimowicz. Achimowicz experiments with a stage event, where reality is being deformed and re- interpreted by movement, sound and costume incorporating the concept of human anatomy and body architecture. Inspired by fashion today and in past ages as well as Crimean-French-Tatar roots and blood line coming through her work, the artist transforms the contemporary body in various esthetics, both tribal and technoidal, as artificial as today’s society. A post apocalyptic battle field is symbolically conducted, each time Theatre Companie Achimowicz performances are taking place.
The theaters’ work is strongly characterized by building a language fusion of strong physical dance, fashion and styling, which is for an actor equally important. Fashion is a second skin of the body, the space performed in is connecting a non-typical stage such as site-specific and utilizing surrounding architecture, classical and industrial. Moving images of Achimowicz’s dance and theatre are created within a surreal aesthetic and language.
ANNA ACHIMOWICZ – choreographer, dancer
artistic director Theatre Companie Achimowicz, dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, certified GYROKINESIS® teacher, Physiotherapist, NCMT© therapist.
Completed a two-year course for contemporary dance instructors organized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Warsaw and LMA® Laban Movement Analysis Course with Janet Kaylo. In 2006–2007 she also studied at IDA – Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz (Austria). In 2011 she graduated in Physiotherapy from the Medical Sciences Faculty at the Masovian College in Warsaw. Anna is interested in contemporary and physical dance, but also in contact improvisation, butoh dance, multimedia, dance video and street theatre. She took her first steps in the world of dance in 1996 in Janusz Józefowicz’s “Metro” musical Studio at Buffo Theatre. Then she engaged in other dance techniques of Ballet, Modern-Jazz and Contemporary. She worked with dance artists from all over the world:
from Poland – Anna Godowska, Jacek Łumiński, Maria Pietruszka, Wojciech Mochniej; from Austria – Johannes Randolf, Bettina Schaefer, Georg Blashke and many others.
She first came across GYROKINESIS®method in 2003, while working with Johannes Randolf from Austria, later also with Juliu Horvath, Elema Spaziank amd Randi R.-Liebnau (GYROTONIC®). She has taken part in education programs of GYROTONIC® since 2007.
Since 2004 Achimowicz is the author (choreographer and dancer) of performances, i.e. Zaginiona…, Goya’s Nightmare (Free Zone Award at the 2004 themed edition of PolemiQi Festival in Warsaw), Smell me…primo, Nie oddychaj“ 07, and duets “Cele”(2005), “Girls just wanna have some spine” (2006).
Founded Theatre Companie Achimowicz in 2012, producing “Urban Dance project”(2012), “Architecture du Corps”, “Le douleur exquisite”, “Le Puissance D’Or”, “SISTARS”, “Fashion with a Parachute”, “Crystaline”, “La Danse du Hybride”.
She carried out international projects, such as: Tam gdzie kończy się moje ciało… (Where my body ends…) with Druga Strefa Theatre and tanzteatherGlobal at the international art research location Schloss Broellin (Germany). She took part in many dance and projects, such as: a Polish-German exchange Butoh body in Chlewiska, a residence for artists TRIATLON 2006 in Zagreb, Live video with Gob Squad in Cracow and others. In 2004–2005 she collaborated with Dance Development Foundation (as the coordinator of an internet project at PolemiQi 2005 ) and “Distance” Dance Theatre (currently: Mufmi Dance Theatre) with whom she created Szafosza. Since 2008 developed her skills, in technique modal underground Assisting french choreographer Thierry Verger in Paris. In 2010 she founded SYNEGRETIC, a company representing Gyrokinesis® technique in Poland and she has been involved in educational activities in the field of contemporary dance, body re-education and personal training. She has collaborated with Carolina Medical Centre in Warsaw and Praxis Roemerstrasse in Linz. In the same year she received Certificate of Award, Huebners WHO is Who and her entry to Personenenzyklopaedien as a young artist. In 2012, she also received her entry to Huebners WHO is Who European Women edition. She is the author of texts and articles on dance training, physiotherapy and health prevention in dance
Natalia ‘Sarna’ Kladziwa Graduated School of Fine Arts (specializing in computer graphics) and Private Ballet School M.M. Szewczenk in Gliwice, began work as a dancer in company ‘Teatr Wyobraźni’ in Zabrze. Member of the street dance crew ‘Ślunski Azyl’, known from the program Got To Dance. In 2015 she worked with a KIJO group in Łódź. From 2015. she’s a student of contemporary dance and pedagogy at the IDA Anton Bruckner University in Linz, in Austria. Sarna took part in many workshops and dance camps in Poland and abroad, where in addition to leading styles (contemporary, classical, hip hop), learn the basics of the contact improvisation, parkour, folk dance, characteristic, vouging, break dance and acrobatics. She specializes in contemporary dance, ballet and street dance. Stagiere dancer at Theatre Companie Achimowicz since 2016.
MAGDALENA CIECHOWICZ – principal dancer
Principal dancer at Polish National Balet in Warsaw. Graduated from Warsaw Ballet School in 2000. Awarded I prize in National Ballet Competition in Gdansk. Awarded scholarships by Polish Ministery of Culture. Awarded scholarship receiver of Le Ballet des Jeunes d’Europe in Lubéron and Académie de Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo. Dancing in Polish National Ballet since 2000, received Helsinki Award. Since 2002 on tour with Europe Dance directed by Jeana-Alberta Cartier and European Youth Ballet by Aleksander Hoffmanns, 2003/4 danced with Compaña Nacional de Danza directed by Nacho Duato. Soloist since 2004, principal dancer since 2009.
Most important roles and choreographies: Odetta-Odylia in Swan Lake chor. Irek Muchamiedow, Gamzatti in La Bayadere chor. Natalia Makarowa, Blue Fairy in Sleeping Beauty chor. Jurij Grigorowicz, l’st soloist in Concerto Barocco i Allegro Brillante, Syrena in Le fils malgre and III’rd soloist in Serenade chor. George Balanchine, Chosen one in Rite of Spring chor.Wacław Niżyński/Millicent Hodson, Young Bride in Svadebka, pas de deux in Petite Mort and Songs of Wayfarer chor. Jiri Kylián, duet in Arena, Na floresta and solo in Alone, for a Second i Coming Together chor. Nacho Duato, Mud woman in Artifact Suite chor. William Forsythe, Blancheflor in Tristan chor. Krzysztof Pastor, Ewa-Noemi in Kain and Abel chor. Emil Wesołowski, Gertrude in Hamlet and soloist in Donna, Spacerze i L’apres midi d’un Faune chor. Jacek Tyski. Collaborates with Theatre Companie Achimowicz in “La danse de Hybride” chor. Anna Achimowicz, guest dancer since 2013.
JOHANNES RANDOLF – choreographer
studied at the Danceacademy in Rotterdam and is certified trainer for Gyrotonic Expansion System® and Master Trainer for Gyrokinesis®. He danced with various international companies such as Cia.Vicente Saez (E), toladá dance company (D), Cie Initiale (F) and Ballet Linz (A) before he formed his own company together with Randi Liebnau called Cie. Novas – with which they won the 1st prize in the international choreographic competition in Kalisz in 2001.
Dance teacher and dozent at the IDA – Institute for Dance Arts at the Bruckner-University in Linz, was artistic co-director of the post graduate dance company x.IDA and art. Co-director of the °choreographicentrelinz. Johannes teaches contemporary dance, repertoire and partnering in workshops around Europe, on different festivals and is guest teacher in Europe, Canada and USA. Choreographed productions: Para Dos, Mas, Second Skin, Ikarus, Wings of Change, Dance on Bach, biotech and First degree of Separation for Anna Achimowicz. Since 2009 artistic director and co-founder of Cie. Off Verticality, choreographer and Theatre Companie Achimowicz collaborator since 2000, book author “Erfolgreich Gesund”, “Koerperfunktionalist” blog writer.
Johannes Randolf ist Master Trainer für Gyrokinesis®, Trainer für das Gyrotonic Expansion System®, Osteopath und studierte modernen Tanz an der Tanzakademie in Rotterdam. Er tanzte mit verschiedenen internationalen Compagnien in Europa und Übersee bevor die Tanzcopmany Cie.NoVas gründetet. Mit Cie. Novas absolvierten sie zahlreiche erfolgreiche Auftritte auf verschiedenen Festivals und choreographischen Wettbewerben. Johannes war der Mitbegründer und künstlerische Co-Direktor des CCL-choreographiccentrelinz und der post graduate dance company xIDA und ist künstlerischer co-Direktor der company Cie. Off Verticality. Er unterrichtet Gyrokinesis, zeitgenössischen Tanz, Repertoire und Partnering auf diversen Festivals in Europa und Nordamerika und ist Gastdozent auf verschiedenen professionellen Tanzausbildungsstätten wie z.B.: Tanzakdemie Rotterdam und der University of Calgary. Er unterrichtet zeitgenössischen Tanz am IDA-Institute For Dance Arts an der Anton Bruckner Universität in Linz. Er hat eine eigene Praxis für Physiotherapie und Gyrokinesis®/Gyrotonic® in Linz.
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