About This Project



Dessous is a studio, a gallery and underwear. But furthermore Dessous is a fundamental base, founded 2014 by Anny Wass and Gert Resinger, to strengthen the relations between national and international creatives, to enhance the interdisciplinary discourse and cultural exchange.

For ‚ take-festival ‘ Vienna, Dessous shows collaborative works in the field of tension between art and design by different artists of the Dessous network. Curated by Anny Wass.


Beteiligte Künstler_innen


Omar Alkaissi
Kalina Horon
Lieber Michael
Gert Resinger
Joseph Rudolf
Marie Vermont
Anny Wass



This Event is included in the Festival Ticket!


Festival 2019, Parcours 2019
Anny Wass, DESSOUS Network, Fashion, Gert Resinger, installation, KIMONO, playground, THE DESSOUS