
16:45 – 17:20   WRAP UP: „Computational Fashion“ (EN)   Dr. Sabine Seymour, Founder and CEO, SUPA & MOONDIAL   The body as interface. The skin as metaphor. The keynote covers the analog and digital futures of fashion from chemical processes in the fight against plastic to biometric data in the age of GDPR....

14:05-14:40   KEYNOTE (EN) Fashion Futures: fashion design and making in the 21st century   Dr. Veronika Kapsali, Research and Innovation Director, MMT Textiles Ltd. Reader Materials Technology and Design, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London   This talk investigates how digital and material technologies are redefining the fashion industry...

„A Take on Tech: Innovative Technologies and Digital Content Strategies in Fashion“   Wann: Freitag, 17. Mai 2019 Einlass: 13:30 Uhr Beginn: 14:00 Uhr Ende: 20:00 Uhr Wo: Central Hall     DAS SYMPOSIUM IST AUSGEBUCHT!     Neue Technologien und innovative Geschäftsmodelle, die die Grenzen zwischen physischer und digitaler Welt verschwimmen lassen, stellen etablierte Strukturen...

17:20 – 17:40   „From Print to Digital: Content Strategy for the digital Age“ (DE)   Alexandra Bondi de Antoni, Executive Editor,   Die Zeiten, in denen sich Magazine alleine auf das reine Printprodukt verlassen konnten, sind längst vorbei. Zeitschriften brauchen heutzutage neben einem starken gedruckten Outlet, eine Online-Plattform,...

17:55 – 18:35   „Von der Modehauptstadt bis zum Catwalk: die Modewelt im IFDAQ“ (DE) Daryl de Jorí, Founder & Head of Innovation, IFDAQ   The IFDAQ turns a highly complex fashion & luxury industry into an intelligent, predictable and transparent AI-ecosystem by providing fundamental KPIs that are made visible for...

15:00 – 15:25   Barnaby Caven, Researcher, Research Institute for Textile Chemistry and Textile Physics, University of Innsbruck, TCCV – Textile Competence Center Vorarlberg   „Smart textiles, Integration, Challenges and the Future“   Smart textiles have been “around” for many years now, Philips research in collaboration with Levi produced a smart jacket...

14:40 – 15:00   Sophie Skach, Designer and Researcher, Queen Mary University of London, Media and Arts Technology Programme   „Fabrics, a smart interface to our world?“ (EN)   Textiles act as an intersection between the body and the environment. Clothing is often described as an extension of our self, as...

15:25 – 15:00   „Where Fashion Meets Technology“ (EN) Anouk Wipprecht, Hi-Tech Fashion Designer and Innovator     Fashion becomes interactive and technology has never before been as close to the skin – what kind of possibilities does this open up? Anouk Wipprecht is a FashionTech designer who works interdisciplinary in...